Palliative Care and Nursing Ethics Hub – Ethics Cafe
Please join the CRHN’s Palliative Care and Nursing Ethics Hub on June 29th from 10 am to 12 noon for the Ethics Café.
The idea for this group is inspired by a traditional Death Café, where people gather to “eat cake, drink tea and discuss death” (https://deathcafe.com/what/). The PCNE’s Ethics Café will seek to discuss issues of nursing ethics that may indeed, include death (and of course, palliative care), but will also hold space for a wider variety of topics pertinent to the subject of nursing ethics.
For more information, please see the attached posters. To RSVP and receive the meeting room/link, please send an email to lbailey087@uottawa.ca.
- Email: lbailey087@uottawa.ca