CRHN Post-Colonial Hub: Standing in Solidarity with the Students’ Encampment at Tabaret Hall
The following is a press release from Faculty for Palestine uOttawa regarding plans of the university administration to indict the students' encampment. My name is Justin Piché. I’m a Full Professor in the Department of Criminology at the University of Ottawa, which...
Free to Think – A podcast featuring Zahra Hakimi, international Scholar at Risk
Free to Think – A podcast featuring Zahra Hakimi, international scholar at risk, describing her experiences as a reproductive healthcare provider in Afghanistan and her family’s journey to Canada following the arrival of the Taliban. Listen here:...
Silent Voices – A documentary about #Blackmentalhealth awareness
A documentary about #Blackmentalhealth awareness. Produced by Crystal Jardine-Garvey.
Rise Up Strong: A Video / Song Collaboration to Support the Well-Being of Street Workers
Street health and harm reduction workers providing healthcare to people experiencing homeless and addiction have been under pressure for some time now, due to the lack of affordable housing and the ongoing opioid epidemic. The pandemic has made things even more...